Our students have a myriad of opportunities to live the Christian faith, and chapel is central to a student’s experience at Zion Lutheran School to live out that faith in their daily life.
Our K-8th grade student body gathers weekly for chapel at 8:30 a.m. at Zion Lutheran Church, ensuring a strong sense of community and support between all ages and grade levels. Our preschoolers get chapel each week as well, with their own experience that is age appropriate.
Our structure at ZLS allows students of all ages to participate in chapel, whether through leading chapel as a class, giving the gift of music with a solo band performance, or reading scripture.
Eighth graders are responsible for the technology components of the service, light and sound displays, acolyting and managing the offerings during chapel.
Our littlest students are paired with our 7th and 8th graders as chapel buddies. Junior high students are paired with kindergarten and first graders, and they walk with each other over to chapel, forming friendships and connections that last a lifetime, as well as instilling a sense of leadership in our older students.
Parents are always welcome to come and worship with us.
Each quarter, chapel offerings are collected and go towards a school-wide mission project to further God’s kingdom.