Volunteers Needed

Lunchroom Volunteers
Our lunchroom helpers are so important to our lunch schedule and process. They do things like: assist students with condiments, open packages, wipe tables and sweep floors.
We need your help! You can choose any day during the week from 10:45 am to 12 noon.
Please click here to sign up to volunteer. You will be contacted with more information about this activity by the Julie Kienitz Director of Food Services. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Kienitz, jkienitz@zionschoolbelleville.org.
Library Volunteers
Help with checking-in & checking-out books. Gathering books from classrooms and assisting students with finding books.
“The library still has an opening for a Tuesday afternoon volunteer. If interested please contact Mrs. Papka – mpapka@zionschoolbelleville.org