Volunteers Needed for Reading Lab
Zion’s Reading Lab provides small group guided reading instruction for all of our kindergarten through second-grade students. Students come to the reading lab 4 times a week for 30 minutes per class. Each day of the reading lab has a specific lesson plan that targets leveled reading, word work, comprehension, and writing.Volunteers are pivotal to the lab! Volunteers work alongside teachers to facilitate a small group using the lesson plans provided. Groups rotate every 2 weeks so all teachers and volunteers get a chance to work with all students at all reading levels.The reading lab takes place from 8:30 to 10:20 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Two volunteers are needed each day for the lab to run. Parents, grandparents, extended family members, or those with any interest in working with students on their reading are encouraged to volunteer.Interested volunteers may fill out a volunteer form below:https://forms.gle/ndDkftLq35SpxQmM7If you have any questions about being a volunteer please contact Jamie Lewis (Zion’s Resource Teacher) at jlewis@zionschoolbelleville.org or by calling 618-234-0275.