Alumni Spotlight – Samantha (Klein) Green

At Zion Lutheran School, we are proud of our alumni and their accomplishments. It is our goal to bring you an Alumni Spotlight each week to highlight what our past Zion Lions have been up to!
Samantha (Klein) Green
Current residence:
Fairview Heights
Years at Zion:
Pre-k through 8th grade (1993-2004)
Favorite Memory:
There are two: my 8th grade class trip to Texas, it was a great time for the class to bond before we all graduated and went to separate high schools and the state track meets at Chicago.
What she has been up to:
I currently a Legal Assistant at a law firm. I am married to my husband, Tom, with two kids, Noah and Hannah and my step-son Ayden. My biggest accomplishments are having a career I love, and being a mom.
How did your time at ZLS influence you?
It a laid a firm foundation for my life. It nurtured my faith and helped it grow. That faith has gotten me through some really tough times in my life. It gave me a great education and teachers that truly cared about me. It still puts a smile on my face to see teachers I once had.